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Why Do Businesses Establish a Presence on Social Media Platforms?

Many small business owners and entrepreneurs might not understand why they need to establish a presence on social media, however today it takes more than just a website to reach all of your potential customers. Starting a blog or website is a great first step for your business, and can be completed in just a few days, however, if you’re an entrepreneur on a budget, then social media channels are an affordable way to start getting your message out there for several reasons.

Tell Your Story

Social media isn’t just something that you need if you want followers. Your channels can tell the story of your business and give the audience more insight into who they are working with. How did your business come about? Where does your inspiration come from each day? What are the latest projects that you are proud of? Your audience wants to know more about you and how you got into your business! Don’t be afraid to share your story and your passion.

Adds Authenticity

Regardless of the industry that you are in, having a social media presence is so important for creating authenticity! Authenticity leads to trust from customers and eventually more sales. With so many fraudulent companies and people out there, customers are doing more research than ever to find out who they are doing business with. Having an active website and social media channels will help more clients say YES to working with you! 

Showcase What You Have to Offer

Whether you have a product or a physical location clients can visit, show your audience what you’ve got going on via social media photos, videos, and stories. Take pictures of your office, day-to-day life, and of YOU to show your potential clients who is behind the screen! These images can turn a skeptical browser into a new customer by letting them get an idea of who they will be working with. 

Create Brand Recognition

Having all of your social media channels branded to your business or professional persona is a great start to creating brand recognition and establishing a presence on social media. Start with your Instagram and Facebook channels, linking them together as business accounts. Ensure that your usernames, display names, and profile pictures are the same so that your audience can recognize your accounts on each platform. Bonus points for creating a website and branded email. When you choose BlueHost as your host, you get free email addresses for your website!

Utilize Affordable Marketing Efforts

Social media is one of the cheapest things you can do to drive traffic to your business and increase profits. Having social media channels can even allow you to be found in Google searches, especially if you are making additional efforts on Pinterest. Not finding the time to get the content on your channels and establish a presence on social media? Consider outsourcing to ensure content is created and scheduled for your audience. 

What’s the first step for you to establish a presence on social media? If you’re at step 1, consider booking a consultation call with me to set up your social media channels and strategy! If you’re further along on your social media journey, consider the best steps to maximize these channels and optimize them for incoming traffic.